Organized home study desk

New to online study? Our tips below will help you in setting up the perfect environment for your studies.

Have a dedicated learning space

If you have a spare room in your house that can be your dedicated learning area that’s great.

If not, you can still create a sanctuary of learning by making clever use of spaces within your home and using furniture to divide the space and separate it from other things happening around you.

Try not to setup a study space near your relaxation or sleep area.

Stay on track

Keep an eye on canvas (your online learning centre) and if you use your phone calendar regularly, pop reminders in there for important dates relating to your study.

Make sure you regularly check your emails for any updates from your tutor.

Connect with others

Try to regularly join online discussions with other students and reach out to your Tutor as often as you need to. Be pro-active in reaching out to your Tutor if you see an assessment coming up that you are not sure about, they are always there you help you throughout your study journey.

Create a routine

Try to setup your days and weeks as if you were going to classes. Create a structured week that allows for interruption-free study time. This may take some time to find your rhythm, but if you can, lean on other family members to share the load where you need to create more time to get online.

Always remember to take those breaks to rest your eyes and refuel with lunch breaks etc.