Ko Karangahape tōku Maunga
Ko Ōhinemuri tōku awa
Ko Ngāti Hako tōku iwi
Ko Tirohia tōku marae
Ko Tissingh tōku whānau
Ko Corrie tōku ingoa
Ko Damian tōku hoa tane
Ko Anderson tō māua whanau
Toko rima ngā tamariki i roto i tāku whānau
Ko Isaiah, rātou ko Malakai ko Faith Ko Pippi ko Nate āku tamariki

Level 4 business tutor Corrie Anderson knows from first-hand experience that hard work pays off. During her 20 year teaching career she has supported countless students to achieve their goals, and she is deeply committed to working alongside students and staff to secure the best possible learning outcomes.

For Corrie, education is about much more than just qualifications. It’s about changing lives.

“Some of the most compelling experiences throughout my career have been developing relationships with students and knowing that I’m making a difference in the lives of those around me. I enjoy helping others and doing what I can to make a difference in the world.”

Leadership is a key area of passion and expertise – in addition to her Bachelor of Education and Diploma in Teaching, Corrie has completed several leadership programmes, and she likes nothing better than sharing this knowledge with Aspire2 business students.

“I am excited about being able to help and guide students to fulfil their dreams. To challenge their thinking and reasons behind decisions and to help equip them with the knowledge to be successful in all aspects of business.”